Afterwards, we walked down the Rue de Sevigne, and turned right into Rue de Rivoli. Here, a procession of impressive French Air Force jets zoomed overhead, to the wonder of the pedestrians on the ground. It was part of France's preparations for Bastille Day in a few days' time. Soon, we were in the Sainte Chappelle, and some of its visitors were more taken with the aerial convoy still in flight than the church's interior. The Sainte Chappelle was begun in 1246, and we're not sure when it was completed. It's most famous for its 15 high stained glass windows.
We then strolled to the Notre Dame, and, unlike the other day, we went inside. We couldn't see Quasimodo anywhere, no matter how hard we looked. Perhaps, we should have climbed to the top of the Notre Dame, but I think we've done enough climbing lately. On the ground outside the Notre Dame, we found a round, bronze marker called Point Zero. This is the point in Paris from which all distances are measured.
Jean thinks we're becoming quite Parisian. In Paris cafes, we like to sit at the footpath tables, enjoying a couple of drinks as an aperitif before having a late dinner. Today, we discovered Monaco, which is like half a lager with strawberry syrup in it, which has given it a red colour. Paris cafe footpath tables are funny. They place the chairs so that they all are facing the there is something to look at. You have to sit beside the person you're dining or drinking with, like in a cinema.
I hear you about the cafe seating & have you worked out that the closer you sit to the walkway, the more you pay for whatever you have ordered? The cheapest way to eat in Paris is to be inside & not look at anything but the bar attendant - so I was told in retrospect!